JUST FOR FUN | 一期一会。人生を走る男の物語。映画上映会inLA

Saturday,May 11th,2024 3pm〜5pm


A special documentary screening of rickshaw traveler Gump Suzuki’s epic journey across the United States will be held! What are the struggles and encounters in the harsh natural environment, and why does the man continue to run and transmit his story through SNS, no matter how harsh the conditions? Please enjoy the spectacular scenery, interaction with people and human drama, along with the history of Route 66, the birthplace of American culture.

上映会イベント概要 | Outline 

タイトル:「JUST FOR FUN – 一期一会。人生を走り続ける男の物語。」

Title:JUST FOR FUN | -The story of a man’s journey through once in a lifetime encounters

会場 | Venue


James R.Armstrong theatre


住所 |  Address

3330 Civic Center Drive,Torrance, CA 90503

チケット料金 | Tickets

5/11 入場券 $20

5/11 入場券(高校生以下) $10

5/11 Admission $20

5/11 Admission(Senior/Students) $10

チケットについて | About tickets

スケジュール | Timeline

ご入場方法 |  How to Enter


On the day of the event, please check in at the special “reception desk” in the venue and pick up your seat ticket before entering.

アクセス | Access


Please check official web site.


注意事項 | Notice




・お体に不自由がある方は、ご都合に配慮した座席へご案内いたしますので、事前に映画アカウントのDM (https://www.instagram.com/justforfun_movie/)へご連絡ください。



・This event is expected to be crowded. Due to time constraints, we will not be able to take individual photos or sign autographs.

・Taking pictures or recording with cameras (including cell phones) or video cameras is strictly prohibited.

・No loud, noisy, or shiny objects that may disturb other patrons are allowed.

・If you have any physical disabilities, please contact us in advance via DM (https://www.instagram.com/justforfun_movie/) on our account so that we can arrange seating for your convenience.Please note that due to the limited number of seats available, we may not be able to accommodate your request.

・Please note that due to the limited number of seats available, we may not be able to accommodate your request.

・No changes or refunds will be made after purchase.

お問合せ | Contuct us

JustForFun 映画専用インスタグラムのDMにて

If you have any question, please contact us a DM on our account of instagram

